Hello everyone! Just wanted to update everyone on a few things this fine windy evening up here in snowy Baudette. Most of the smaller bays in the area are now frozen over with the temps forecasted to severely drop in the next 48 hours the big pond shouldn’t be that far behind. There’s been reports of minor areas of shore ice piling up on the western areas of the lake but nothing too significant. The wind is currently our biggest enemy in the freezing process but by the time the sun comes up Friday morning the wind should diminish to 5-10 making conditions near perfect for freezing to kick into high gear. And as per my last few posts here’s the early outlook forecast for Friday,December 9th 2016-Wednesday,December 14th 2016. I think it’s safe to say it’s not only starting to feel like Christmas,but it’s also starting to feel like ice fishing season! Our books have some openings left for the early ice rush so please,don’t wait,give us a call at 218-368-7323 and book your ice fishing adventure today!